Saturday, September 29, 2007

Adding a Saturday game later for easier scheduling

Refs, thanks for covering all the games as well as you have. For new referees, we need help on the U6 games. Please check the schedule next week to see if you can help here. For Intermediate and Advanced referees, we need you in upper-division games.

I've moved some of the games a bit later on Saturday to make it easier for referees to fit games into their schedules. I hope this helps. I've noticed I've had problems fitting in as many games as I'd like to do, so hopefully this will help. Also, in October, get ready for the night games (TUE/WED/THU) each week. I look forward to seeing you out on the 'pitch' (as Brett would say) under the lights!


Maria said...

Referees need to do a better job managing time in the games. it seems this weekend everything was running behind at Berringer and even when a field was empty and started and finished on time, the next game started 15 or more minutes late. This has a negative effect for the rest of the day. I have the same problem as many fitting in two childrens games and refereeing a game. When they are late in starting I end up missing part my kids games. I'm sorry but it was frustrating last week with late games having an affect on being there for my children. instead of addding later games keep them on schedule. Allow an extra ten mimutes between games on the schedule but keep them on the morning schedules like they are now. By have fields empty to spread things out we are just making it harder on the parents and later games will not be as easily filled.

Regional Commissioner said...

Agreed. As you progress in your training to the Intermediate, Advanced and National badge levels, it is emphasized that starting the match on-time is of critical importance.

Referees: You should be there 30 minutes before start time to walk the field, assemble your team and check in the teams. If the other game is running late, check in your teams on the sideline and be prepared to start your game on-time. You should be blowing the whistle to start your game, as the clock ticks to the start time on the schedule.

Tim Jones said...

Many of us have multiple games. However, the eventual injury or break in time will cause a game to extend beyond the alloted time.

However, that does not mean a referee should not keep the time as close as possible.

Additionally, I thank the refscheduler for allowing later games because I can show up and be a senior referee on the field to help and provide guidance where needed.

In conclusion 10 minutes between games seems a bit short maybe 15 or 18 (LOL :))

Be safe and any time you want to come out and referee with me your more than welcome.

Tim Jones (270)