Saturday, September 29, 2007

Adding a Saturday game later for easier scheduling

Refs, thanks for covering all the games as well as you have. For new referees, we need help on the U6 games. Please check the schedule next week to see if you can help here. For Intermediate and Advanced referees, we need you in upper-division games.

I've moved some of the games a bit later on Saturday to make it easier for referees to fit games into their schedules. I hope this helps. I've noticed I've had problems fitting in as many games as I'd like to do, so hopefully this will help. Also, in October, get ready for the night games (TUE/WED/THU) each week. I look forward to seeing you out on the 'pitch' (as Brett would say) under the lights!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The 3 Quarter Rule Enforcement Issues

We have a 3 quarter rule for players in our region. When we play teams in inter-regional play, like we do in U14 with Whittier, should we enforce this rule? On one hand, we still want the La Mirada players to play 3 quarters. On the other hand, we can't ask other regions to adhere to these rules, can we? So we'd play (perhaps) at a disadvantage. This is the issue.

Now, for my personal opinion. We should still enforce the rule on the La Mirada team. The reason I think this, is so we can ensure that our kids play a majority of the game, as the rule intended.

What do you think?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

How Do We Get Parents More Involved with Refereeing

Carla said...

I love these things. I could go on forever so here it is....
I understand that there is an intense phobia about becoming a referee. NO one wants to be the one having to deal with the parents, the coach with the chip or even the players that have been placed on a petestal. I like how the coaching piece was solved by receiving aid from the Biola Men's team. How can we get OUR parent more involved? Any suggestions.

September 13, 2007 10:42 PM

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ideas for discussion

Please add your comments to this post for new discussion ideas.


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