Friday, February 1, 2008

Referees - Faces may change but the kids still need you

Well fellow referees, as some of you may know, AYSO National has reinstated the previously removed RC to the job. Effectively removing the interum-acting RC.

Everybody has opinions about what happened and what is gonna happen.
Maybe that's why the city admin is forcing the region to have TOTAL
local control. This way someone from Torrance cannot decide who will
run our local soccer program.

But no matter what happens remember, the kids need you. We may not get
the kind of appreciation that coaches and team moms get, but without us
there would be NO GAME.

In my 22 years as a volunteer in the AYSO I have seen RCs come and RCs go. Some good and some not so good. But one thing has always remained the same, the need of the kids to have a good youth program where they can play soccer in a safe, fun and fair game.

You, my dear referees have ensured that in the past, and I hope in the future.

I once told an RC, who banned me, that this program is bigger than both of us.
It was here way before us and will be here long after us. So I will continue to help. Well he's gone but the program and I are still here.

No matter the reason you are helping, for fun, exercise, mental challange or just to help your kids team. Please continue to do so. Those needs will still exist no matter who wears the top hat.

So my friends, please continue to help our kids. Keep out of the politics if you want but please continue to help our kids play.

They really do need you.

Play on !!!!!

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