Friday, December 7, 2007

What is GK possession ??

crzysoccermom3 said...
If a GK is going to the get ball and player knocks the GK down and scores, is that a foul? In this situation keeper is near the ball w/o full possession of the ball. Please inform me of what is and is not please. And what is considered, "possession" ???

(copied from other post- good question crazysoccermom3 - Any comments refs ?)
(Hope you don't mind, crzysoccermom3)


Steve M. Marquez said...

This is a good question, but to be honest, having not been there and seen it, and having not been the center referee, (at least I hope I wasn't), it is extremely hard to comment. But I will anyway because that's just the way I am.

Please understand that I must use YOUR post to make the scenario.

GK is going to get a ball.
I have to assume that you mean the ball is loose and nobody is holding or touching the ball.
Referees call this a 50-50 ball, in other words anybody's ball.

(Attacking) player knocks GK down and scores.
I again have to assume you mean that both players, in an attempt to get a loose ball, bump or hit each other and the GK goes down.
If the contact was, IN THE OPINION OF THE REFEREEE, a fair and safe charge by either player, and in the opionion of the referee was not dangerous then he/she will let the play continue.
Contact is a very real part of soccer. A lot of people really have trouble understanding this.
As long as the contact is shoulder to shoulder (Not shoulder to back)
and is not dangerous or done with excessive force, play is usuallly allowed to continue.
(The problem with the exessive force action is that if it was YOUR kid who was knocked down then the other guy HAD to have used exessive force, right?)

Now the last part of your question says that GK was NEAR ball without full possession.
This is confusing, as GK must either be near the ball or in possession of the ball.
Possession is defined as having control of a ball. If the GK has one hand on a ball and the ball is stopped then he has possession. This can even be defined as one finger as long as the ball is stopped by the GK. So if an attacker makes contact with a GK who HAS POSSESSION of a ball then the referee will call a foul and give a Free Kick to the defending team.
But please understand that a referee can miss the play. Hopefully his AR has seen it and advised the referee of what he saw. But again even the AR can miss plays.

Now if a GK drops a ball then it is again a 50 - 50 ball.
Hope this helps.

crzysoccermom3 said...

Thanks!Always great answers from you!

BOB DAVIS said...

But what if it is Sunday afternoon?