Monday, November 5, 2007

Blow the whistle Ref ! !

Although complaints about referees usually are biased or self-serving it is important for us as referees to be able to learn from these comments.

When a games first starts it's best to call most of the obvious fouls you see.
Elbows, pushing, tripping are just some of the fouls you will see at the beginning of a lower division game, U6, U8 and to some extent U10.. Whistle these quickly and loudly. You are not only letting the sidelines know you are in control of the game, but, MORE IMPORTANTLY, you are letting the players know what you exspect from them.
Remember ADVANTAGE should only be called in the Attacking 3rd, when a real scoring opportunity is possible.

They will play to the level you allow. And that is totally OK.

As the game progresses you allow them to become more physical, as long as BOTH teams are willing to play that way.
An attacker AND defender are BOTH trying to gain control of a ball. They are BOTH using their hands on each other, both trying to gain the upper hand. At this point there is NO FOUL as the players are BOTH playing at a level they want.
(Although, both sidelines will be yelling that the other is fouling)

Another EXAMPLE:
Same situation, but this time only the attacker is using his hands to push off the defender. This is a foul.

It is important to remember that the sidelines don't decide the level of play, the PLAYERS do, with the oversight of the referee team.

One final comment, "The consequences of INACTION are worse than the consequences


Regional Commissioner said...

Steve, what bothers me is that in this scenario that you described:

>> An attacker AND defender are BOTH trying to gain control of a ball. They are BOTH using their hands on each other, both trying to gain the upper hand. At this point there is NO FOUL as the players are BOTH playing at a level they want.
(Although, both sidelines will be yelling that the other is fouling)'re right! This is not a foul. This is just assertive play. In U12 and above this is the physical game you expect in competitive matches. But, you're right, both sidelines are yelling that the other is fouling. If a kid gets frustrated with this level of play and fouls and you whistle it, you are criticized for allowing the other side to foul and cause the perceived retaliation. And, this is when you hear comments to the players like "their not playing fair, so you play that way too". Of course during this level of play the coaches have razor-vision to pick out the elbows the other team is said to be using. But feel that only the other team is using elbows. Now, I'm sure that I as a referee am far from perfect in foul-recognition and may be missing some elbows. I'm sure of it. Elbows are hard to see when trailing action, and it's not always possible to ensure you are positioned to see it. But, I find it queer that both teams feel that only the other team is elbowing and their team is the one being fouled.

Steve M. Marquez said...

I guess my point is this.
YOU, as the referee decide the level of play you will allow.
Each division is different. But it all comes down to at what level you will allow.
If you have given you ARs good instructions then they will also have eyes on the players. They will see the fouls you cannot. And call them accordingly. (Elbows, etc)
As far as the coaches, you will NEVER make them happy. No matter what you call you will only be right to one side of the pitch.
So don't ref to them. I know it's hard to ignore them but you really do have to. When they reach a level you will not accept then you interviene.
In the mentioned situation you can be yelling to both players to keep your hands down. But wait for the excessive or retaliation foul to blow the whistle.
Again one side will be happy the only will not. That is soccer.

crzysoccermom3 said...

If a GK is going to the get ball and player knocks the GK down and scores, is that a foul? In this situation keeper is near the ball w/o full possession of the ball. Please inform me of what is and is not please. And what is considered, "possession" ???

BOB DAVIS said...

Guys I have been the head coach of over 700 games and have NEVER missed a call and yes they pretty much are always on the other teams. But when I center I miss a bunch of them - please remeber coaches are never wrong that is what an old RC told me.
Steve one things that I think should be more empasized is blowing the whistle loud no tweets.

Steve M. Marquez said...

Hey Bob,
Why tell me that, I'm not on the Board, heck I'm not even an instructor in this region.

Talk to the Region Ref STAFF tell them about the whistle stuff. !!

BOB DAVIS said...


Steve M. Marquez said...

Hey Bob,
So was I...
And stop yelling at me. !!

(A smile a day keeps everyone happy, what do I have to do put a smiling face after my jokes ??)